A chance encounter with Shakespeare and Co.

It was late in the afternoon when we returned from a trip to Versailles to the metro station closest to our hotel which was the Saint-Michel Notre-Dame. I was in Paris for a long weekend with my bestie, J, and we were exhausted by the time we got back to Paris. Versailles was grand on…

An Evening in Paris

You've likely come across the adage, 'Don't meet your heroes', at some point or the other because collective experience has shown that one is always disappointed. I wonder if there's an equivalent of that for visiting the city of your dreams. Paris has been that city for me. Vintage photographs of stylish Parisians going about…

Priceless Experiences in Capri

Capri has been the go-to resort island of the rich, first in the Roman times and then from the 19th century onwards. Emperors Augustus and Tiberius built villas in Capri with Tiberius’ 'Villa Jovis' being one of the best-preserved Roman villas in Italy. In the 19th century, the island became a favourite among European artists…

May and June Read

My first time in Paris, an afternoon in the Shakespeare Book Company and I came home with Sue Roe's 'In Montmartre'. I bought the book both as a souvenir but also as a preparation for whenever my next visit to the city will be. I didn't manage to go to Montmartre during this trip so…