On a Rembrandt Trail

My first time in the Netherlands, the first city I visited wasn't the tourist favourite Amsterdam but the university city Leiden. Leiden is a smaller, cleaner and cuter version of Amsterdam and I spent most of my time there just walking along the canals. On one such walk I came across a small square with…

Day Trip to Carcassonne

The historical town of Carcassonne is just an hour by train from Toulouse. Toulouse is France's 4th largest city and is home to Airbus along with prestigious universities and research centres. As a part of my PhD, I was attending a summer school in Université Paul Sabatier in the last week of June just in…

Gothic Splendour at Avignon

One of the best things about having an academic career is that you get a chance to attend conferences organised in beautiful cities and if you're lucky enough, even in the heart of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Last September, there was a conference honouring a pioneer in the field I am currently working in…

February Reads

If January felt like 3 months put together, February felt like just half a month in spite of the extra day this year. I managed to read 3 books this month starting with a literary classic ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ by Ernest Hemingway. The short novel or novella is a perfect weekend read.…